HVAC Maintenance Plan in Orange, CA

HVAC Maintenance

Our HVAC Maintenance Can Extend and Optimize the Performance of Your System.

An HVAC maintenance plan from our team comes with a pair of annual inspections for your heater and air conditioner. For the long-term health of these valuable systeme, you absolutely need periodic maintenance. Even with the daily use of their HVACs, many people do not understand these systems' regular maintenance requirements. You can make sure this gets taken care of with a convenient plan from Elite HVAC.

For a very affordable price, you can receive all the advantages of expert, comprehensive maintenance on your HVAC. We will clean and adjust your air conditioner or heater from top to bottom, ridding your system of burdensome dirt and debris for improved efficiency. When you consider the economy of this service against its benefits to efficiency, you can actually save money on an annual basis from lower energy bills. To learn more about our services for HVAC maintenance in Orange, CA, give us a call today at (714) 464-6622.

Our HVAC Maintenance Service

HVAC Maintenance

Our Experienced Techs Can Do Preventative Maintenance that Saves You Money on Repairs.

Our maintenance plan allows you to avoid costly breakdowns for an affordable price. Air conditioners and furnaces break down for one of two reasons: old age and lack of maintenance. While we can’t control the age of your system, we can certainly provide preventative maintenance for a longer life.

For our air conditioner tune-up, we will:

  • Adjust Dampers, Registers, or Grilles
  • Clean the Coils
  • Check Ducts for Leaks
  • Check Refrigerant Charge
  • Check All Electrical Wiring and Connections
  • Clean the Condensate Drain to Prevent Blockage

For our furnace tune-up, we will:

  • Check the Thermocouple
  • Check the Heat Exchanger
  • Check Flue Vent for Blockage
  • Adjust Fan Control if Needed
  • Check All Electrical Wiring and Connections
  • Make Sure There’s Enough Tension in the Belt
  • Clean Burner and Pilot Assembly
  • Make Sure the Furnace Works Safely Overall

When you hire us for an HVAC maintenance plan, you can count on quality work. In fact, we’re so confident in the abilities of our team, we offer a 100 percent money-back guarantee for maintenance that doesn’t meet expectations.

Call to Set Up a Plan

Remember, to achieve optimal benefits for your home and HVAC system, schedule maintenance twice a year. For your air conditioner, you should schedule this work in spring, before the heat of summer begins to place demands on your device. For your furnace, you will want to do the same in the fall. To learn more about our services for HVAC maintenance in Orange, CA, reach out to our team today at (714) 464-6622.